“Over three decades ago, Korean migrant nurses LEE Soo-hyun and KIM In-sun met at a Korean Christian Women’s Association retreat in Germany and fell in love. Now in their seventies, their youthful love remains unchanged, despite the challenges and difficulties of living in a foreign country..”
This delicate documentary lovingly reflects the elderly couple’s life journey, their resilience, and their activism, interwoven with scenes of mundane domesticity. Both Soo-hyun and In-sun regularly attend protests championing queer rights and women’s rights both in Seoul and Berlin, despite opposition from their own community. They have stood in solidarity with other foreigners and diasporic communities in Berlin through their servitude, first as nurses, then as founding members of an international hospice for immigrants.
In October, I saw Life Unrehearsed at the Grüner Salon (Berlin) at a screening organised by MeToo Asians e.V. I recommended this film to a programmer at Cinemasia, and after many months, we were thrilled to have Jieun Banpark, the director, as well as Soo-hyun and In-sun join the screening in Amsterdam. I interpreted the Q&A - and we ended the evening with karaoke, led by the loving couple.
Services: Interpreting, Consecutive/Simultaneous
Industry: Documentary Film / Narrative Film
Subject: Feminism / Migration / LGBTQ+
— March 2024