Insights with Experts (27 Nov 2020) "나치 낙서에 창문 파손도…네덜란드 동양인 혐오에 충격" (Swastikas and broken windows - The shocking state of anti-Asian racism in the Netherlands) (25 May 2020) "People against racism" (인종차별에 대항하는 사람들) (April 2020) Jiye's protest not going through due to Covid risks (16 Mar 2020) "Insulted and threatened, because 'all Chinese people have Corona'" (11 Mar 2020) Men Yelling “Chinese” Tried To Punch Her Off Her Bike. She’s The Latest Victim Of Racist Attacks Linked To Coronavirus. (4 Mar 2020) En Corée du Sud, les femmes à l’avant garde de #MeToo – Tous les internets – ARTE (3 May 2018) Südkorea und seine Vorkämpferinnen der #MeToo-Bewegung | Alle Internetze | ARTE (3 May 2018) #MeToo movement spreads to South Korea (13 Mar 2018) - [Note: I disagree with the title, and explain why in the interview.] 100 Women: How South Korea stopped its parents aborting girls (13 Jan 2017) In Defense Of South Korean Feminism (6 Sept 2016) Drugs in South Korea: A Silent Crisis (21 Oct 2016) Drugs in South Korea: Sex, Sales and Crackdowns (27 Nov 2016) South Korea gaming: How a T-shirt cost an actress her job (15 Aug 2016)